Tips On Choosing Shoes

Different shoes have different functions. You should choose different shoes depending on your needs. You can be comfortable if you choose a pair of shoes shoes.The common sense and function of each part
Running shoes that highlighted the shock absorption and air permeability
The design objective: Because the shoes were a rectilinear motion of your feet, and during the race, the peso, the arrival will take walk was three to four times its weight, making two key points of the function principal in the design of running shoes. One was the need for stability and rubber feet when he landed, was the second shock absorbing heel. What is worth mentioning the role of grip and cushion could be the backbone, avoiding excess pressure and pain or stress. In addition, because the time spent runners race was too long and moving parts on the basis of the lower extremities, so runners should also heed the air permeability of materials in the shoe selection to run.
Tennis shoes, which highlighted the lasting bilateral
Focus on Design: Tennis is necessary to move quickly away from and close, and the amount of foot movement was particularly high, so that the design of sneakers, the fixed effects of stress on both sides of the legs and resistance 'wear the ball and heel of the design was less specific. Because the legs must move quickly when you play tennis in order to get a solid top, material, tennis shoes, was also chosen as the hardness of the material. It would be to use less material breathable mesh.
The outdoor footwear and multi-function were robust and portable
The objective of the design: In order to adapt to the change of venue, footwear outdoor design has a more sub. For example, the shoes were particularly water sports preferred mode of drainage, sport sandals trend thick; start climbing inclined to protect their feet, and there was also cross-country shoe that had a wide range of functions. Overall, the colors and design of outdoor shoes mostly earth tones, it was mainly to avoid worrying about the appearance of shoes in the dust. Thick, waterproof and drainage has been focused on the design. Also, when you wanted to buy shoes, you might want to consider the strength of absorption and traction soles due to the large difference in ground levels.
Soft and comfortable shoes for walking
The design objective: It is true, if only walking or shopping can be considered aerobic exercise. Because when you were walking, the impact of the feet was not large, so that plants use the coefficient is not high. And to feel no discomfort after a long walk, the dampers were generally mild and placement of clothing should also be considered. As had more choice of form and color as other sports footwear. But if it were a pair of walking shoes professional, focusing on the elasticity of the plant and increase function to resist twisting ankles. Because when you walked fast, with heels almost touching the ground, so shoes are specially designed to increase stride rate.
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Tips On Choosing Shoes
Tips On Choosing Shoes
Tips On Choosing Shoes


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