World Cup 2010: A Strong Rivalry Between Italian And English

World Cup 2010: A Strong Rivalry Between Italian And English Football Fans In Malta

Malta is a country of 400,000 people, as in politics, where thecountry is almost divided into two political parties, while most fans ofsoccer divided into two teams: Italy and England.
England ruled Malta from 1800 until 1964, when the country gainedIndependence, and the roots of Malta in the UK are too obvious to ignore: Maltaproudly takes the George Cross on its flag, given by King George VI by the attitude islandnation heroic people of Malta during the Second World War.
Although the English language, considered as a second language in Malta, everyone speaks English in Malta, of the scholar to the layman. Istaught English in schools as early as kindergarten, and even small children are spoken in bothlanguages ??simultaneously.
Italy's southernmost island of Sicily, a stone's throw from Malta and ties theItalians, who had apparently broken during the Second World War, strengthened afterthe war, and commercial activities between the two countries has flourished eversince.
During the seventies and eighties, the Maltese people could only watch one station, so the development of poor localTV major Italian television in Malta helped learnfrom, and more accustomed to the taste and Italian style. Italian television stations still very popular and many Maltese local children have learned to speak Italian in Italy, just watching TV.
No one really knows why the rivalry between Italian and English Soccersupporters is so strong in Malta, but it may simply be too many, in Italy and England fans on the islands. Other football teams aregaining cross between maltese football fans are in Germany, Brazil, Argentina and the Netherlands - but nowhere near the number of supporters andEngland Italy.
The Maltese have a very Mediterranean in nature - they are noisy and cheerful, but also passionate about what they do. But the rivalry is taken to another level - every time one of these teams lose amatch, supporters of the other team hit the streets with cars blaring cadesto commemorate the loss.
Not very sporty attitude, I hear you say no, not even when England against Portugal wereeliminated World Cup 2006, the Italian car Cades soccersupporters continued all night, and tourists who are unaware rivalry present n ' had no idea of ??why fans of Italian football has rated celeb since their team had not played
But even if this competition can be very annoying to some, is great fun for others. "I just hope that Italy were eliminated before the English team, which besatisfying enough, I'm going to annoy my colleagues and to avenge their World Cup2006," said England supporter Luke Borg.
"I know we have no chance of winning the World Cup again, but I just hope England eliminated before us, or I will not be able to clear my colleagues Englandsupporting," says Christian Dimech.
Each place of pub, bar, restaurant, club and entertainment on television and many sports bigscreens Malta to convey the 2010 Soccer World Cup matcheslive.
The village's official World Cup, which is formed on Manoel Island, on the road and betweenSliema Xbiex Ta ', have proved very popular with locals and tourists.Hundreds of football fans flocking to the place with their families and even young children seen wearing their favorite teams' colors and waving flags whilesupporting their favorite team.
But there is a game that football fans in Malta to die for - England vsItaly. The last time the two teams met in a World Cup match, England beat Italy2-1 in 1990, on Italian soil.
But it seems like the fans to wait for another World Cup as both teams have had a wonderful start this time

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World Cup 2010: A Strong Rivalry Between Italian And English Football Fans In Malta
World Cup 2010: A Strong Rivalry Between Italian And English Football Fans In Malta
World Cup 2010: A Strong Rivalry Between Italian And English Football Fans In Malta
World Cup 2010: A Strong Rivalry Between Italian And English Football Fans In Malta


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