Training Ideas For The Success Of Cross-Training Tennis

How to use sport to help you in your training and improve their tennis
There are many factors that contribute to an effective training program for tennis, but even if most people readily speak of strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, etc. One of the main parts are still low-key variety.
Your body is incredibly adaptable, in that if you repeat the same thing and adapt and become the norm (an important factor in learning), but if you do the same workout routine (no matter how good), will eventually be counter-productive as all initial gains you make plateau and there is no overhead and profits will be reversed.
Think about it another way, if you play your favorite song over and over too long, it will eventually lose its appeal soon.
This is where using other sports and methods of training (or cross-training, as we know), is important.
For professional players I work with, participate in other sports keeps them physically and mentally fresh (they obviously play tennis as well), while promoting a revival of the training.
For my junior players (minis included) as well as my adult entertainment (some very serious and not too recreational by the way) is a way to train many critical components for tennis fitness away from the tennis environment while retaining a competitive games - based art. This is especially true for "mini" juniors for whom early "specialization" in one sport has proven to be against-productive.
Here are some ideas or to stimulate or improve the program you are doing, or you can start a new one.
1. Participating in sports such as basketball, soccer, baseball or volleyball.
All these sports is a stop-start repeated sprint time required for tennis, football is a multi-agility-training stimulus, which is vital for effective court coverage. Although basketball and volleyball are many changes of direction as well, have great power to walk them through the repeated jumping that takes place.
Baseball has many useful aspects related to tennis as the tone and put the ball from base to base (who engage in the tennis serve) and slide the base can be very useful when it comes to playing on dust brick, where sliding is a vital component for success.
2. Use outdoor activities.
Cardio can be running, hiking (also good for leg strength), skating (balance and agility), skipping (coordination), cycling and swimming, to name a few-each. If you are in a park, you can use equipment such as benches, balance beams, bars, rope climbs etc. to do body weight driven exercises such as pumps, traction, balance, step-ups, squat jumps, tricep dips, beef, etc.
As always start slowly and at your own pace and progress slowly by increasing the length and / or intensity as you improve.
So with a little imagination and creativity, you can combine all the necessary components of fitness to improve performance in tennis training taking place outside your normal tennis environment, allowing you to be physically and mentally, sometimes largest fresh every time you take a step back in court to play a game or a lesson.
Who knows, you might even find yourself having fun whist getting fitter and improve your tennis
Before the exercise program, always remember to consult a doctor first.

Pictures/SnapShot :
Training Ideas For The Success Of Cross-Training Tennis
Training Ideas For The Success Of Cross-Training Tennis
Training Ideas For The Success Of Cross-Training Tennis
Training Ideas For The Success Of Cross-Training Tennis
Training Ideas For The Success Of Cross-Training Tennis
Training Ideas For The Success Of Cross-Training Tennis


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