Include Team Members In Setting Goals For The Year

The new year is traditionally a time of great projects and programs to be hatched at the top of their organizations and teams. Implementation is often doomed, because all the team members were not involved in creating plans. If you add the group members in setting goals for the year, you'll have a much better chance of success.
Ah yes, the new year. That time, regardless of past failures and disappointments, hope and promise ourselves great plans for the next twelve months. We do it at home, as well as we do in the workplace. As leaders, we spend many hours planning our strategy for the institution and what should be achieved during the year. But we are also members of the team in setting goals for the year? In general, no.
It's a shame, because when it comes to implementing our big plans, all team members, all employees, all officers, each must play a role. Sure, he's excited --- after all, are their plans. But enthusiasm is everyone? Can you really expect them to share their enthusiasm and commitment, if not had the opportunity to share the vision, did not participate in the creation of the strategy, no chance to contribute their ideas and views?
How difficult is it to be included in the members of the group in setting goals for the year? Not much. It requires only the will to do so, and some of the logistic arrangements. This proposal:
1. Let everyone know about the new process. If you are a department or team leader, and if it is logistically possible to do so, the group meeting. Otherwise, make an appointment. Both methods are better than e-mail because you want to send a message right away that this is a "man" a process, not just another layer of bureaucracy. This initial communication may include a summary of the successes and challenges of the past year, and how they affect the plans for next year. Then offer a very broad statement of what you hope to achieve over the next twelve months, which allows a lot of ideas and feedback on how this can be done.
2. The time to think about the matter and develop their ideas.
3rd Set up a strategy session, preferably all in the same room. This meeting should be encouraged in a way that allows people to express their ideas and opinions, but not intimidated. Their ideas can not be accepted, deferred or rejected, but never ridiculous. Everyone should be treated with respect and valued for their contribution. The World Caf process is ideal for this part of the plan, and can leave deep, clear and unexpected ideas that can make your strategy come alive.
4. Using information from the session to create a strategic and tactical plan to carry it out. This process must be completed as soon as possible and no later than two weeks after the meeting, to take the team spirit created. Any delay will dilute the positive and create the impression that nothing has changed.
5. Give everyone a copy of the plan, with a reminder of their commitment to move forward (this commitment will be part of the World Cafe).
6th establish a mechanism for group monitoring, which allows the necessary course corrections as needed during the year, depending on what is actually happening. This should result in the year to revisit the plans and implementations, which automatically sets the stage for the process next year setting goals.
Team members include the set of goals for the year to communicate with them properly and honestly of the objectives at all stages, and prepare to be surprised by the positive results can be achieved.

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Include Team Members In Setting Goals For The Year
Include Team Members In Setting Goals For The Year
Include Team Members In Setting Goals For The Year
Include Team Members In Setting Goals For The Year
Include Team Members In Setting Goals For The Year
Include Team Members In Setting Goals For The Year


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